My pudding of choice is Chocolate Fudge Cake, warm with vanilla ice cream. I may ooh and aah over all of the other choices - but I'll usually go for the old favourite.Ages ago, about February I think, my friend Lisa blogged about the chocolate fudge cake recipe we used to make when we were at school. I asked her for the recipe, and she blogged it here.So, on Saturday I finally got around to making it. I also made three little cupcakes, just so we could try it out before cutting into the big cake. (Luu was out, so she didn't get a cupcake)
Verdict? The cake was good. We ate the second half the next day, warmed up, with strawberries and clotted cream left from Mark's birthday. It was even better warm! But, you know, back in the mid eighties when I last made it, I wouldn't have dreamed of warming cake up to eat it, but now it's quite normal.The cake will be made again, and the recipe passed on. I think, perhaps, next time I won't cook it for quite so long. Again, these days, Chocolate Fudge Cake should be just a bit squishy! Sarah x
So, I went to the Bromsgrove Crop last weekend. And had another lovely day. And it's only taken me a week to get around to getting the pictures on here!
Deb had set a challenge to do a layout using:-1: stitching (real or faux)2: shaped cardstock3: something with wingsSo, this is my take on the challenge. It's the first time I've used the challenge as a start for a layout, and I'm quite pleased with it. It's also the first time I've stitched on a layout - not that difficult, as I am a newbie, and I like the texture. Also did a bit of paper scrunching, which, as I have just re-discovered the macro button on my camera (doh!) I will show you in glorious close up!
Also did a couple of layouts of the girls...
Ooops, have just noticed I haven't journalled on Smile, but I do also want to add more bits - love the look of those really busy layouts, just not quite sure if i can pull it off - but, practice, practice, practice!And the cakes, well they were for Mark's birthday earlier in the week. And you can never have enough cake - even if it is just photos!Sarah x