Hmmn, time really has flown since I last posted. The girls are back at school. I'm back at work, so is Mark, but he's still on a four day week, even after his extended Christmas break. Hopefully there won't be another layoff for him. We're getting used to the lower income (we think) and are
definitely getting used to having him at home all weekend, so, we're wondering if we can keep our spending down enough for him not to do overtime when (if!) the work picks up.
I read an article in Country Living, about reclaiming the weekends, and that seems like such a lovely idea. So, last weekend we tried to do just that, it nearly worked. I tried to keep the dreaded housework to a minimum by keeping on top of everything during the week. But Saturday afternoon did see me tackling the ironing basket, before Mark took over, and I got on with having a good sort out in the front room.
Our front room - it's home to two computers, and their desks, all of my crafting stuff (paper crafts, sewing, knitting etc etc), our cds and dvds some books and most of our paperwork - all in a room about 10 by 16 feet. It is also home to school bags, handbags and the air con unit for the conservatory - oh, and it has a large fireplace with an open fire. It's a room that really has to be kept on top of - but I love it. It's bright and airy, and often has at least two of us in here. It's also the favoured place for the cat. On my table, by the radiator.
Anyway, after it was all spick-and-span and a pleasant place to be again, the crafting could begin. So the felt project was finally completed.

Project? It looks like an egg cosy. Well, ok, it is an egg cosy. but, I did have to trawl the depths of my brain to remember how to do blanket stitch. Hang on, he looks a bit like Zebedee perched on that Christmas Cracker egg cup.

There, that's better. Oh, but now he has three legs. But very glamorous legs at that, let's look closer...

He's sat on one of my Three French Egg Cups (there used to be four, but one got broken!) And what seems to be a miniature egg - but no, it's the egg cups that are large. Are French eggs bigger than British eggs? I don't know, do you?

The pattern for the Owl Egg Cosy came from this
blog, with a few tweakings by me. It's the same lady that designed the cat that we made in the last posts. Well worth a look if you have time.
In other news, we now have another car. And I think it's all working out beautifully - as I like to say, it will all work out in the end. Ever the optimist...
Sarah x