Mark had to work, this morning, but the rest of us went to visit my aunt, who lives the other side of town. Everywhere looked so pretty on the way, with the snow. And it was also quite misty, making everything a bit eerie, but in a good way. And disguising some of the less savoury sights on a trip across this city... And then I remembered, I had my camera in my bag... So, on the way home, I snapped away, from the back seat of Dad's car.
The picture above is of The Old Grammar School, Kings Norton. It, and the nearby Saracen's Head, won the BBC's Restoration programme a few years back. Well, all of the restoration has been completed, and two old buildings have been saved and put to really good use as community buildings - I know this, as I go to my slimming group in the Saracen's Head, or St Nicolas' Place, as it has now been re-named. I used to go to Brownies in the Old Grammar School, many years ago, and got married in the church that lies between the two buildings, also many years ago...
I'm quite chuffed with the pictures I took...

This is a church hall, near the city centre. I had to take a picture, as it is just so incongruous. It almost looks New England-y, but there it is, in the middle of Birmingham...
We got home, closely followed by Mark, had some lunch, then set off to see what time the crib service was to be. Picking up an extra table from Mom and Dad's, to take to Helen's - we're all off to her's tomorrow...
So, we got to the church, to find we had missed the crib service - by two days! Oh, well, better luck next year... We never made it last year, either...
Off to Helen's we went, to help get ready for the big day... The veg was peeled, the dining table was laid, but the table we had taken round didn't fit where it needed to go. So, Mark and Simon decided to bring in the table from outside. But, before they brought it in, they decided to clean the glass top, with warm (they say tepid) water, when the temperature was around zero. All I will say on the matter is - don't try to put your drink down on the outside table...
After a little drinky, home we came, to make sure all was tidy for Father Christmas. Christmas pyjamas were put on - Father Christmas had thoughtfully left us a pair each, this morning. Then a mince pie, carrots and a glass of milk were left for our night time visitors.... And then it was time for bed...