So much has happened in the last few weeks, I almost don't know where to start...
Luu had two weeks work experience before school broke up. She worked at a friend's florist shop - and loved it! By all accounts, she did really well, worked really hard and learned loads. During the first week she started to get a rash on her face - which we thought was an allergy. But as it got worse over the weekend I took her to the doctors, who said she had shingles. She had anti-virals prescribed and off we went. But very worried about potential scarring on her beautiful face. But by that weekend it was no better, in fact it was much, much worse. So, back to the doctors, who this time said it was Impetigo ( a highly contagious skin infection). He was very surprised no-one else in the house had caught it - down to my good housekeeping I think LOL!!! So, the poor thing had unwittingly spread it around her face - while treating the rash as shingles! So now she had a course of anti-biotics and some cream to apply. All the while not telling the mother-in-law - as Luu is now on a cruise with her nan, and her face is all cleared up - no marks left, thank goodness. She was not allowed to go into school for the last few days, and missed out on a trip to Drayton Manor. But we did spend some quality time together, and made a lovely bag - which is now in Norway - with no photos to show, unfortunately.
The weather, as we know, was pants at the end of term - so there was no Sports Day - again...
School finished, and there was the year six Prom to help organise. I think it was the best yet, the children behaved so well and looked so lovely. My niece especially so - and she loved her ride in the fire engine limo with a group of her friends.
In the garden, we now have plenty of tomatoes - which we have grown from seed! Very impressed with that. But, the courgettes are rubbish... We also have plenty of Chillies - indoors though - which were also grown from seed.
Then, out of the blue, Mark got a call, and was offered an interview for a job that was so far up his street you wouldn't believe... He went along, did his best, and the next day was asked to go along for a second interview! Woohoo!!! We had a very busy week as he prepared for his second interview - as he had to deliver a lesson to apprentices and management. Anyway - HE GOT THE JOB, and yes, that is shouted out loud. Lots of tears, too, on my part anyway! This is especially good - as the day before the second interview he got his notice of redundancy letter, to finish in November. He now has to negotiate trying to finish early, while keeping his redundancy... Watch this space on that one...
The same day we heard off the insurance about the van - yes, Ruby is still in the garage. Anyway they agreed to some slight changes in the parts to be fitted - as some of the standard parts are difficult to source. So, it's all systems go with that. Especially as today, we managed to get one of the parts that was really difficult to get - as it had melted, being plastic, but they don't usually need replacing so nobody makes replacements.
So with one thing and another, karma has come around to give this family of mine a lovely hug. With the cherry on the icing on the cake (yes it really is that good) coming in the form of a very unexpected cheque in the post today.
Hopefully, more regular posting will now happen, as, hopefully, life settles back down to normal - whatever that may be...
Sarah x