So, Saturday was the Bromsgrove Crop. And I actually had a plan of what I wanted to do, instead of turning up with loads of stuff, flicking through my photos, and then trying to put a page together with what I have in my trolley... I decided that I wanted to try some different technique type things - well, it was my plan, so it had my vague description...
But, first, I did this layout, following Deb's sketch

Now I've taken a picture, I can see that I still want to add some journalling, but someone at home has borrowed my "good white journalling pen". Again, the photo's not great, but it was taken on a dull February afternoon, and it captures Phoebe brilliantly, next to a cake stand full of her cakes. And, can you see that cluster? Could that be a "technique type thing"?
We then had a quick card making class, designed by
Deb, but I don't have a photo of that - oops. But, it's a lovely masculine card, do pop over to her blog, if you get a chance...
Then onto my plan. Last week I came across this
blog, and like her style, so, if you look you will see that I have blatantly "lifted" these...

I'm very happy with this, I like that the papers I happened to have in my trolley go so well with the colours in the photo. Want to see a close up of the technique?

Then came this layout, with bunting - that I can't believe that I haven't done before, as I have my fair share of bunting at home! It also has pinwheels on, that I had actuallly worked out how to do a couple of weeks ago, as my orchids currently have no flowers on, and I thought that pinwheels would brighten them up - really should take photo of that... Enough of the rambling - back to the story... The photo is one of my sister, brother and me, taken in the seventies, and the title should have been "smile please", to go with our fixed smiles. But I didn't have another "e".

So, that's my scrapbooking catch-up. Now all I need to do is put them into albums, and do some more scrapping!