Want to see one of the things I've been up to during my blogging absence?
I've been making boats. Well, I've completed one, helped the girls with theirs, and started a new one. So, yes, I think that counts as making boats.
I found the instructions for the boat here, and lots of inspiration for future boats. Some of them have the sweetest little birds sailing them. So, of course, my boat needed a bird as well.
I searched for a suitable pattern, but ended up using a pattern I already had, found here, and previously used to make badges. I made it up in felt, with the stitching on show, and think they look pretty good. But I'm still on the search for a "plumper" bird, so if you see one on your travels, please let me know.
And what's this boat called? Miss Belle - one of the characters in the Enid Blyton book I rescued from re-cycling and used for the papier-mache.
I promise to be back soon. But, in the meantime, feast your eyes on these photos I uploaded on the 30th March(!!!) But never got around to adding any words... I made bread pudding and chocolate bunnies - both for the first time. And very yummy they all were...