My beloved owl bag. If you've seen me in the last year or so, you're bound to have seen me with this bag.
Now, I love a good handbag, I have a few it must be said. But, I LOVE this bag. It's just the right size and shape for most outings. I bought it in the Animal shop in Newquay, when we were on holiday last year.
It has a special addition of two badges. Phoebe bought me the night owl badge - not because I am one, far from it, just because she knows I love owls. And the perfect badge, well that would be because I am, perfect that is, lol.
Yes, I can see why you fell in love with that bag. I am not such a fan of owls but it would certainly have grabbed my attention. Love it. My think is elks and moose, oh and I guess I should add grizzlies and polar bears to the mix! LOL.