Monday, 16 March 2009

Journalling and a Day Out

So, I finally got round to doing some journalling. It's taken a while to get my head around doing it. What? My actual handwriting, on a scrapbook page? Hmmn...

As my friend Lisa put it to me - it's about telling your stories. And finally it (sort of) clicked. When I look at the old photos my parent's have, I always wonder who they are? what are they doing? where are they? what are they thinking? So, I'm trying to put some of that on my pages. I started with the pages that I did at the Bellaboo crop last month. "Beach" is just one of them. I showed the un-journalled pages before. And also using the kit that I got that day, here's another one.

I love this kit - I'm going to miss it when it's all gone. But hopefully by then, I'll be brave enough to do my own thing... The picture on this one is my Mom and her sister on the beach. It's probably Weymouth, and I guess sometime in the early Fifties - I'll check, and add it to my journalling, hidden in it's pocket behind the photo. What do you think of those knitted costumes? And their ringlets?

In the pursuit of scrapbooking - my sister, mom and myself spent the day at the NEC on Saturday, at the Hobbycrafts Show. Now, we didn't think it was as good as it has been before. But, we did manage a little bit of shopping.

The Amy Butler Scrapbooking Tool Caddy came home with me, an early Birthday pressie from my sister. Especially kind of her, as she wants the other pattern, but nobody had it there, but we did stop off at another craft shop on the way home, and it has been ordered. The goodies inside are mostly treats for myself - apart from my trusted paper cutter. Don't you think I'll look the part at the next crop?

Some more about Hobbycrafts next time, I think.

Sarah x


  1. Great!
    And I love that tote - might have to keep an eye out for one of those over here!

  2. hey sarah, SO jealous you have that tote!!! SO jealous you went to the NEC!!! Loving your Dutch Girl LOs. Would love to see you at the next saturday crop?? 4th April at Fairfield, let me know, Lx
